Having a creative business working as an artist isn't exactly like a 9 to 5 job. Creative work is laced with emotion and feeling, there can be difficult moments of lack, despair and comparison to overcome, vast pits of empty nothing when it feels as if all the ideas that I once had have evaporated overnight,
Read MoreI sometimes come across people who say things to me like "Oh I could never do what you do", or "I wish I had time to paint or create but I'm SO busy..." and it got me to thinking about how the way we think creates our reality.
Read MoreA couple of weeks ago, I was sitting outside a pub with a cold glass of white wine in Saltburn up in the North East, looking out to sea. It was early evening and the sun was beginning to set in spectacular fashion over the water.
Read MoreWe have just one more day of school left here, and I confess I have been counting down the days until my daughter comes flying out of the school gates, hair streaming behind her, with a huge smile on her face.
Read MoreI wanted to write about creative blocks, because - and I make no secret of this, I have them - have just had one (it lasted a couple of weeks which is tough and feels like a long time when you're in business as an artist
Read MoreSome of you may be familiar with the work of Julia Cameron, and her concept of an Artist's Date which was something brought to life for me about 12 years ago when I first read her best selling book, The Artist's Way.
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