New Art & Summer Living

Harbour Flowers - my latest offering for the Artist Support Pledge.

Harbour Flowers - my latest offering for the Artist Support Pledge.

We just had the nicest surprise this weekend - my sister and my nephew came to visit from Suffolk! We spent most of it outdoors, walking and talking, having picnics and trying out new ice-cream flavours (this is really a thing at the moment, I am just LOVING all the different kinds you can get!)

For the first time in many, many months, we ventured over the border into Derbyshire. It was incredible to see the landscape of the Peak District again and hard to believe we last saw them early in March. I’m still feeling cautious when I go out and about, but much more relaxed. These gentle steps back to a more normal way of life feel incredibly good and invigorating.

Looking up to Winnat’s Pass, Peak District.

Looking up to Winnat’s Pass, Peak District.

This morning I was back in the studio after a few days of not painting. Choosing to work in alignment with the seasons (which means a Summer slowed right down) has been a revelation. Allowing time and space for this season to unfold in it’s own way has meant a sudden rush of ideas - a creative download of sorts! For many years I thought I had to persevere through these slower months, forging ahead with work and projects with an energy I did not have, and I’d wind up feeling drained, empty and not accomplishing much at all. Choosing rest and rejuvenation over forced creativity and long hours on the laptop has opened my eyes wide! It seems so counterintuitive to down tools and let go, but I am already reaping so many rewards. Seasonal energy is definitely something I want to explore more of, and base the flow of my business calendar around.

Starting a new painting

Starting a new painting

It was so good to get into the studio to start a new acrylic painting today! I’ve worked on a wooden panel using abstract marks, working into the paint, lifting it out, smudging in colour with my fingers and layering with almost translucent washes. I began my abstract paint journey last year after becoming a little disillusioned with where I was heading with my work, and I created a body of paintings that I just loved working on (it was so different to anything I’d done before). I think it’s really helped me to loosen up in my illustrative pieces, and this is a big deal for someone who comes from a ‘colour within the lines’ art background. My work used to be very precise and neat, but these days I much prefer seeing where these abstract marks take me, working with the paint to create movement and energy in the painting. These pictures show a process of how my newest painting ‘Harbour Flowers’ unfolded.

This painting is available through the Artist Support Pledge and you can find out more details over on my Instagram!

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